Thursday, August 18, 2005

Wuzzup y'all!
Been out of pocket for a minute but here is the latest:

For starters, we are STILL losing troops daily. 1854 at last count.
Thousands (like over 9,000) wounded. But this blog isn't about the war.
Last month I talked about today's parents and our shortcomings. Today I need to chime in on several topics that blow me away. For most of you that know me, you know that I can be very opinionated. Let's talk race for a minute. You all know that there are very distinct differences between black people and white people. Some simple examples:

When you have a major crisis or setback in life.....

White people go to a "shrink"; start using drugs; or shoot up their school or place of employment.
Black people call their momma; go to church; get a forty and a blunt and get over it.

When you go out for drinks....

White people drink to get drunk. (take shots of Tequila, Scotch, Vodka, etc. chased by "funneling" several beers then doing more shots). Their idea of a good time includes staggering, puking, passing out, and/or waking up somewhere you have can't remember how you got to with someone you don't know with a taste in your mouth you don't readily recognize. The trip part is, they have no qualms about going out again the next night and doing it all over again.

Black folks drink to get a buzz. Most of us do not intend to get drunk. We are not trying to throw up ('cause we don't wanna mess up our outfit or shoes) plus we do not want a "bad rep" the next day. We certainly are not trying to do it all again the next day. Our favorite line is "Lord, if you let me get through this I promise never to drink again....I'll be in church every Sunday, etc ,etc ,etc".


White folks LOVE their pets. Some of them almost like their pets over people.
When their dog or cat or Cockatoo gets sick, they take them to the vet. The real difference comes when the vet says "Your dog, Montana (you know they give 'em funny names too!) needs an operation that will cost $1200." They say, "Okay Doc. If that's what you think he needs, let's do it."

Black folks LOVE their pets. When our pets get sick, we take them to the vet- only after we've tried to cure them on our know, we give 'em crushed Tylenol or poor Milk of Magnesia over their dog food, etc. If the vet tells us we that our dog, "King" needs an operation that'll cost $1200, the next comment usually is "Kids, say goodbye to King. He's going night-night."

Men looking at women.....

A white man's ideal catch (typically speaking) flat butt, big chested, no hips, thin lipped, blonde haired, blue eyed, slightly tanned babe.

A black man is looking for a big butt, hips, well-stacked chest (optional), long hair(color can vary from black to blonde or shade in between) down to earth woman.

Oh yeah...and bungey jumping....

White it.
Blacks not!

In short, we as different as we are the same. I always kid around with a guy on my job about our views of this same world are so different. Something to think about.

That's enough for now. I gotta get some sleep.
We'll continue next time. Hit me up at with your feedback.
I'd love to hear from you.

As Always, ya and smooches!

Dooba and Punka....hugs and kisses!



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