Monday, July 18, 2005

New look......
New site address.....
Same Darryl.
Thank you all for the candid feedback.
This week's rant is not really a rant at all.....The war is still raging on (didn't "W" declare over a year ago that the "war" was over?- when did it start up again...or better yet, when did it stop?)

My real "beef this week is with today's youth. I know I am probably gonna sound "old" but c'mon. ....Look around. Where did the respect go? Does anyone know where the whole "pants hangin off yo a**" style came from? No? Well let me tell ya. Our youth are emulating prison inmates.....That's right. When you get locked up, they take your shoe laces, your belt, etc. -anything you can use to harm yourself or others. This of course, causes your pants to hang-droop- sag. Now I remember as a youth, trying to keep up with the latest trends (one pants leg rolled up- why I don't know; short sleeved mock turtleneck in the summer- I was sweatin my b*&&'s off but I was matchin; wool Kangol hats, etc) but when it came time to go see a "female" (that's what we called'em back in the day- not "B's" and "Hoe's") I made sure I put my best red or blue suede Puma Clyde wearing foot forward.
I was taught from my parents to respect my elders whether they were nice to me or real jerks, I needed to respect them. I needed to respect women (Never strike a woman no matter how mad she gets you). Remove my hat -no matter how my hair looked- when I entered a building. All these things, I might add, I teach my children. It's not about being old-fashioned. It's about being respectful. You give respect. You get respect. When did we get to the point where we tell a girl "Give me Dat"? as opposed to asking her out for a date? (By the way "Give me Dat" is a title of an actual song in heavy rotation now)
What are we teaching our youth? Or better yet, what are YOU teaching our youth?
If you have kids, do you allow them to do, say, or wear whatever they want just because "all the other kids do it"? Videos today show more skin than my older brother's dirty magazine collection from the 1960's (how would I know you ask?....don't ask- smile). Recently, my brother -in-law got into a "scuffle" with a teenager who came by the house trying to "holla" at one of his daughters.
When did it become okay to step to a female's pops? Just to paint the picture, the kid was wearing a "wife beater" tanktop (for those of you not up on the latest fashion craze, a wife beater is a plain white, ribbed lined tank top - you know, the kind those guys wear that you see on the news just about every Saturday night that drink Budwieser, wear camoflauge ball caps, and get arrested's the kicker...beating their wives!), pants saggin low enough to see 3/4's of his underwear and a "doo-rag" on his head. Would you let this guy see your daughter?
Look at society as a whole. In my dad's day, guys wore suits EVERYDAY. To be clean was to be cool. Jeans were for po' folk and sneakers were for gym class PERIOD. In my younger days, designer jeans became the fashion craze but we were still c-l-e-a-n. We still wore slacks and button down shirts....ties went by the wayside but our sneakers had to be "Fresh".
Nowadays, the more "thug" or "grimey" you look, the better. Think for a moment (and I'm about to take you back) Remember the movie "Krush Groove"? The scene when Run and D went to talk to Run's dad, the minister, at his church. Run DMC helped take the "hoodlum" look worldwide yet Run's dad made them take there hats off while they were inside the church.
Rap icons knew to listen and respect their elders. When did the disconnect start? Where are the manners our parents taught us? Think hard. I'm sure you were taught better than that.
Dooba and Pumka.....hugs and kisses.