"He's baaaaaaaaaack".
Okay......I got several things I need to get off my chest so if it sounds like I am rambling...chances are..I am. Stay with me if you can...if you can't....sorry for you.
First...the War that's not really a war. What the f$%k?! Soldiers are still dying daily. The insurgents are still wreaking havoc and doing what
THEY want when they want. "Stay the course"..."Can't pull out now"....yada yada yada. No one wants to abandon the iraqi people (well, personally, they ain't payin my mortgage so I couldn't care less) but we also need some sort of game plan for winning this thing AND getting our troops home.
On the local tip......we have a newly built school here that is nearly completed on Hickory Grove rd....The school is about 90% completed. Yippee! My question is.....why is the world are all the lights....and I do mean ....ALL OF THE LIGHTS on 24/7? Our taxpayer dollars at work. Waste, Waste, Waste.....and it's not just the local government. When is the last time you took a good look at your paycheck? Look at how much stuff comes OUT of your check. Why is it that you have grossed 56,000 but your net is 30,000?
What the F%^$ is a "metrosexual"? M-E-T-R-O-S-E-X-U-A-L...my guess is it's a fancy name for H-O-M-O-S-E-X-U-A-L.
Any dude that gets his nails done....gets pedicures...has a perm...and thinks he is prettier than Lisa Raye, is a homo. Not a metro. Watch one.See how often they check a mirror. If your boy thinks he is prettier than your girl? H-O-M-O. Now don't get me wrong...I am not homophobic..a gay basher etc...I do however think there is something wrong when a man can find anything ...let me repeat...ANYTHING attractive about another man.....Since when is cool to get together with the fellas and have a "pamper party"? Whatever happened to watching the game with your boys? And while I'm "there"....body builders. You gotta have some "homo-tendencies" if you find beauty in a another mans bicep-tricep- whatever.. Cmon. Have you every taken a good look at one ot those fitness magazines? No totally straight dude can work his way thru one of those magazines and keep his food down. I'm gonna end it here.....number one ...cause I'm tired (long week) and secondly, 'cause I know most of ya'll will read a paragragh or two then jet.
I'm out.
Smooches to my Mrs'
Hugs and kisses to Pumpkin and Dooba.
hit me up at krushque@hotmail.com and let me know what's on YOUR mind!
Okay......I got several things I need to get off my chest so if it sounds like I am rambling...chances are..I am. Stay with me if you can...if you can't....sorry for you.
First...the War that's not really a war. What the f$%k?! Soldiers are still dying daily. The insurgents are still wreaking havoc and doing what
THEY want when they want. "Stay the course"..."Can't pull out now"....yada yada yada. No one wants to abandon the iraqi people (well, personally, they ain't payin my mortgage so I couldn't care less) but we also need some sort of game plan for winning this thing AND getting our troops home.
On the local tip......we have a newly built school here that is nearly completed on Hickory Grove rd....The school is about 90% completed. Yippee! My question is.....why is the world are all the lights....and I do mean ....ALL OF THE LIGHTS on 24/7? Our taxpayer dollars at work. Waste, Waste, Waste.....and it's not just the local government. When is the last time you took a good look at your paycheck? Look at how much stuff comes OUT of your check. Why is it that you have grossed 56,000 but your net is 30,000?
What the F%^$ is a "metrosexual"? M-E-T-R-O-S-E-X-U-A-L...my guess is it's a fancy name for H-O-M-O-S-E-X-U-A-L.
Any dude that gets his nails done....gets pedicures...has a perm...and thinks he is prettier than Lisa Raye, is a homo. Not a metro. Watch one.See how often they check a mirror. If your boy thinks he is prettier than your girl? H-O-M-O. Now don't get me wrong...I am not homophobic..a gay basher etc...I do however think there is something wrong when a man can find anything ...let me repeat...ANYTHING attractive about another man.....Since when is cool to get together with the fellas and have a "pamper party"? Whatever happened to watching the game with your boys? And while I'm "there"....body builders. You gotta have some "homo-tendencies" if you find beauty in a another mans bicep-tricep- whatever.. Cmon. Have you every taken a good look at one ot those fitness magazines? No totally straight dude can work his way thru one of those magazines and keep his food down. I'm gonna end it here.....number one ...cause I'm tired (long week) and secondly, 'cause I know most of ya'll will read a paragragh or two then jet.
I'm out.
Smooches to my Mrs'
Hugs and kisses to Pumpkin and Dooba.
hit me up at krushque@hotmail.com and let me know what's on YOUR mind!