Darryl Krush for President
Okay. You can stop laughing, sit back and hear me out for a moment. Look at the state of government these days. Our “representatives” are not very representative at all. Politicians are supposed to be “servants” of the people. Most politicians are far from being anything close to resembling what the founders of this nation envisioned. Why is it that you need truckloads of money to even have a chance of winning even a local election? With all the modern advancements in communications (TV, the internet, email, cell phones, etc.) why do you still need more and more money to run? Why is it that you don’t see “the average Joe” on the election trail? One of the reasons former President Bill Clinton was so popular was the fact that most middle class folks, white and black, could relate to him because he came from humble beginnings and was very good at giving the appearance of not forgetting where he came from.
Do politicians have to be crooked? Are they all shifty to the point where “used car salesman” could be synonymous with their title? Don’t get me wrong….I’m sure that some people get into politics with the purest of intentions but come to find out real quick that more often than not you have to compromise on some points in order to get other points across (look at good old Arnold in California).
I am no saint. I’m not a criminal either. I consider myself a pretty honest guy. If (and that is a big “if”) I were to ever consider running for an office, I would do something that most politicians fail to do. I’d tell the truth. Sounds funny doesn’t it? Unfortunately, we all can relate to that statement. A politician that tells the truth…doesn’t even sound right.
Here’s a peak at my platform. First, I’d push for the legalization of marijuana. I’m sure you are thinking that this would never fly but let’s put this in its proper prospective.
There was a time when alcohol was illegal. There was a time when black people couldn’t ride in the front of the bus. There was a time when gay people could not get married. I think you see my point. Societal views dictate was eventually becomes acceptable to the masses. Think of all the ills of this nation legalizing “weed” would cure. First and foremost, the deficit would be able to be eliminated in a matter of years instead of decades (or the way Bush is spending money, generations!). The key is to tax the hell out of in. Just as the popularity and growth of the internet sparked phenomenal job and industry growth, making canibus legal would create thousands of jobs. Weed “farms” could be federally regulated. There could be state run marijuana acquisition centers where there could various grades of the stuff would be available. Alcohol was once illegal. Currently, the government decide what drugs are legal and which ones are not.
Think of how many people YOU know smoke marijuana. I’m sure it doesn’t take long to think of one or 2. Tobacco kills. Alcohol kills. When have you ever heard of someone dying of a weed overdose? Sure you kill a few brain cells but hey….when you look at all the other stuff out here that you know can kill you, and you still do them, weed doesn’t look so bad now does it? Vote Darryl Krush in 2008! Not.
Much love to Ses.
Hugs and kisses to Doobie & Punka!
Okay. You can stop laughing, sit back and hear me out for a moment. Look at the state of government these days. Our “representatives” are not very representative at all. Politicians are supposed to be “servants” of the people. Most politicians are far from being anything close to resembling what the founders of this nation envisioned. Why is it that you need truckloads of money to even have a chance of winning even a local election? With all the modern advancements in communications (TV, the internet, email, cell phones, etc.) why do you still need more and more money to run? Why is it that you don’t see “the average Joe” on the election trail? One of the reasons former President Bill Clinton was so popular was the fact that most middle class folks, white and black, could relate to him because he came from humble beginnings and was very good at giving the appearance of not forgetting where he came from.
Do politicians have to be crooked? Are they all shifty to the point where “used car salesman” could be synonymous with their title? Don’t get me wrong….I’m sure that some people get into politics with the purest of intentions but come to find out real quick that more often than not you have to compromise on some points in order to get other points across (look at good old Arnold in California).
I am no saint. I’m not a criminal either. I consider myself a pretty honest guy. If (and that is a big “if”) I were to ever consider running for an office, I would do something that most politicians fail to do. I’d tell the truth. Sounds funny doesn’t it? Unfortunately, we all can relate to that statement. A politician that tells the truth…doesn’t even sound right.
Here’s a peak at my platform. First, I’d push for the legalization of marijuana. I’m sure you are thinking that this would never fly but let’s put this in its proper prospective.
There was a time when alcohol was illegal. There was a time when black people couldn’t ride in the front of the bus. There was a time when gay people could not get married. I think you see my point. Societal views dictate was eventually becomes acceptable to the masses. Think of all the ills of this nation legalizing “weed” would cure. First and foremost, the deficit would be able to be eliminated in a matter of years instead of decades (or the way Bush is spending money, generations!). The key is to tax the hell out of in. Just as the popularity and growth of the internet sparked phenomenal job and industry growth, making canibus legal would create thousands of jobs. Weed “farms” could be federally regulated. There could be state run marijuana acquisition centers where there could various grades of the stuff would be available. Alcohol was once illegal. Currently, the government decide what drugs are legal and which ones are not.
Think of how many people YOU know smoke marijuana. I’m sure it doesn’t take long to think of one or 2. Tobacco kills. Alcohol kills. When have you ever heard of someone dying of a weed overdose? Sure you kill a few brain cells but hey….when you look at all the other stuff out here that you know can kill you, and you still do them, weed doesn’t look so bad now does it? Vote Darryl Krush in 2008! Not.
Much love to Ses.
Hugs and kisses to Doobie & Punka!