Is it just me or.....
....has "W" lost his mind? 20,000 more troops? C'mon! Talk about throwin bodies at the problem. Iraq is in the midst of a civil war. Bush said in his speech "the majority of the Soonies, the Shites, and the Kurds all want to get along". THAT IS SIMPLY NOT TRUE! (I was literally screaming at the TV set when he said that). These different secs have been fighting each other for centuries. What makes him think that we can over run the country with our troops, shoot any/everyone who has a gun and is not part of the police or Iraqi army, and gain "control" of a people hell bent on dying for their beliefs? You cannot threaten someone with death who has already made up their mind that they are willing to die. Granted, we cannot just turn and walk away. We effed up their country and will be leaving it in shambles just ripe for Iran or some other radical regime to take over. Notice no one is saying much about Afghanistan these days. Things are bad there as well and we do not have nearly enough troops to get the "job" done there....wait a minute...what is our "job" over there? When is the last time you have heard "W" say anything about Bin Laden? He doesn't even mention his name anymore. Guess he figures we are just too stupid or too apathetic to notice. We hear about the 3000+ soldiers killed (by the way, Britain, our closest ally in this whole Irag thing has lost 169 troops.....). What's wrong with this picture?? "W" also failed to mention that the majority of the "additional" troops won't be "new" soldiers being sent over. Most of the troops will be men and women that have already completed 1, 2, and in some in cases 3 full tours of duty over there already. Their "tours" are just being extended. Again, no mention is made of the fact that one tour of combat is tough enough.....imagine rolling the dice 3 and 4 times.
On a separate note, has anyone looked at the price of oil lately? Last I checked it was at about $54 a barrel. Last time is was that low, we were paying about $1.87 for a gallon of regular unleaded. Why then are price still at $2.29 or so in our area? "W" has a way of not mentioning his family's ties to the oil industry (most of his closest friends are heavily invested in oil as well). RECORD profits over the last couple of quarters but no mention of a special commission or of any sort of uniformed price cut. Don't get it twisted, I'm all for free enterprise and fully understand the laws of supply and demand BUT be for real.......a company makes $240 million profit in 1 quarter (which incase you forgot is only 3 months) off a commodity that we cannot do without and no one raises an eyebrow? The "haves" don't care 'cause it doesn't hurt them any. The "have nots" can cry foul all we want but since we don't contribute large sums of $ to very many (if any) political campaigns, we don't really have a voice. Think about it (and this is definitely a topic for another rant) when Joe Blow wants to run for office, the only way he has a chance of getting elected is to have a heavily funded campaign (millions of dollars). Since raising that type of money would take years to amass from "the little guy" he has no choice but to go to the "haves" which can give freely (that's why they are "haves"). Well, getting $100,000 from someone does not come without a price.....If I give you 100k, I want to be able to pick up the phone and get you whenever I want AND more importantly, if I need some legistlation passed in my favor, YOU better look out for me (remember where that 100K came from).
Ok. I feel better now....sorta.
I'm out.
Luv ya "Ses"
"Pumpkin" and "Doobie"- hugs and kisses
....has "W" lost his mind? 20,000 more troops? C'mon! Talk about throwin bodies at the problem. Iraq is in the midst of a civil war. Bush said in his speech "the majority of the Soonies, the Shites, and the Kurds all want to get along". THAT IS SIMPLY NOT TRUE! (I was literally screaming at the TV set when he said that). These different secs have been fighting each other for centuries. What makes him think that we can over run the country with our troops, shoot any/everyone who has a gun and is not part of the police or Iraqi army, and gain "control" of a people hell bent on dying for their beliefs? You cannot threaten someone with death who has already made up their mind that they are willing to die. Granted, we cannot just turn and walk away. We effed up their country and will be leaving it in shambles just ripe for Iran or some other radical regime to take over. Notice no one is saying much about Afghanistan these days. Things are bad there as well and we do not have nearly enough troops to get the "job" done there....wait a minute...what is our "job" over there? When is the last time you have heard "W" say anything about Bin Laden? He doesn't even mention his name anymore. Guess he figures we are just too stupid or too apathetic to notice. We hear about the 3000+ soldiers killed (by the way, Britain, our closest ally in this whole Irag thing has lost 169 troops.....). What's wrong with this picture?? "W" also failed to mention that the majority of the "additional" troops won't be "new" soldiers being sent over. Most of the troops will be men and women that have already completed 1, 2, and in some in cases 3 full tours of duty over there already. Their "tours" are just being extended. Again, no mention is made of the fact that one tour of combat is tough enough.....imagine rolling the dice 3 and 4 times.
On a separate note, has anyone looked at the price of oil lately? Last I checked it was at about $54 a barrel. Last time is was that low, we were paying about $1.87 for a gallon of regular unleaded. Why then are price still at $2.29 or so in our area? "W" has a way of not mentioning his family's ties to the oil industry (most of his closest friends are heavily invested in oil as well). RECORD profits over the last couple of quarters but no mention of a special commission or of any sort of uniformed price cut. Don't get it twisted, I'm all for free enterprise and fully understand the laws of supply and demand BUT be for real.......a company makes $240 million profit in 1 quarter (which incase you forgot is only 3 months) off a commodity that we cannot do without and no one raises an eyebrow? The "haves" don't care 'cause it doesn't hurt them any. The "have nots" can cry foul all we want but since we don't contribute large sums of $ to very many (if any) political campaigns, we don't really have a voice. Think about it (and this is definitely a topic for another rant) when Joe Blow wants to run for office, the only way he has a chance of getting elected is to have a heavily funded campaign (millions of dollars). Since raising that type of money would take years to amass from "the little guy" he has no choice but to go to the "haves" which can give freely (that's why they are "haves"). Well, getting $100,000 from someone does not come without a price.....If I give you 100k, I want to be able to pick up the phone and get you whenever I want AND more importantly, if I need some legistlation passed in my favor, YOU better look out for me (remember where that 100K came from).
Ok. I feel better now....sorta.
I'm out.
Luv ya "Ses"
"Pumpkin" and "Doobie"- hugs and kisses